2024-01-03 08:47:35 -
一年级孩子可以用 还挺好的 送货也很快

2024-01-02 23:43:45 -

2024-01-07 12:44:21 -

2024-01-17 10:39:31 -

2024-01-16 01:13:35 -

2024-01-23 18:31:52 -
一直在京东上买东西,这个七匹狼,大品牌,在京东购买也有保障,物流也很快,品质也好, 材质手感:手感很不错👍 适用人群:家里人戴起来很显档次 风格款式:款式新颖

2024-01-26 14:58:05 -

2024-01-06 20:52:47 -

2024-01-16 10:31:13 -
材质手感:质量很好! 其他特色:拿取物很方便!

2024-01-07 13:07:03 -



作者: 華西車城

《山歌寥哉》, 是音樂人刀郎神隱多年之後, 於本年七月十九日最新發布的新歌專輯。一共收錄新歌十一首, 皆以中國古典文學典故和民歌民謠為背景, 結合民樂與現代流行音樂合成。這十一首歌詞的內容之廣, 涵養之深, 從音樂入手, 涉及詩詞、歌賦、小說、散文、隨筆、戲劇、小調、道學、儒學、佛學, 縱橫大江南北, 攬括民間傳說、神話以及雋永戀情之悲情故事, 可謂集中華文化之博大。


刀郎, 曾經是活躍一時的眾多原創歌手之一。本名羅林, 四川資中人, 受父母縣文工團從業經歷影響, 自幼迷戀音樂。情感豐富的羅林, 高中還未畢業, 便輟學離家, 追逐自己的音樂夢想。習鍵盤, 組樂隊, 寫詞曲, 開始了大多數年輕人玩音樂的開始。

羅林輾轉於內江和成都等地, 流浪創作, 歌廳駐唱。歌廳偶遇婚姻失敗的靚女, 一見鍾情, 勇敢追求, 打動芳心, 奉女成婚, 年紀輕輕便開始承擔養家糊口之責。早婚的青澀, 無豐厚的固定收入, 挑戰著小倆口的生活。妻子率先放棄了看不到前途的廝守, 棄幼女, 離少夫, 成了單飛的同林鳥。妻子的出走, 讓羅林身心俱疲, 好不容易有了妻子的消息, 得到的, 確是對男人最具打擊力的消息。


沒有什麼更能擊潰苦苦掙扎的男人自尊, 追求夢想的成本, 就是這樣的冷酷無情。妻子的選擇, 羅林無可奈何。對於他逐夢音樂的打擊, 也是致命的。借酒澆愁的日子, 對於這段婚情, 羅林曾寫出過發自內心的眷戀。 《衝動的懲罰》, 反映出羅林對於這段婚姻的詮釋。

家人關鍵時刻伸出了援助的雙手, 憮養襁褓幼女, 有效釋放了年輕父親的家庭責任, 無疑讓追逐理想的翅膀再次插在羅林的身上。

遠飛的羅林, 遠赴海南發展。合夥樂隊, 創新歌曲, 歌廳獻藝, 沉浮幾番, 終是不敵金錢的力量, 曲終人散, 窮困潦倒, 東山沒有再起。

塞翁失馬, 焉知非福。芸芸聽眾裡, 有知音女孩傾心相許, 成為羅林堅強的內助, 夫妻雙雙奔赴西域。正待開拓的新疆, 刀郎民族風情, 成為了羅林藝術生命的源泉, 羅林更名, 刀郎問世。

紮根新疆, 深入天山南北, 民族民間沃土滋養出新音樂人, 刀郎。一個深深印有西域情懷的歌手, 嶄露頭角。

 《2002年的第一場雪》, 意外爆紅, 紅得發紫, 專輯銷量直衝雲霄, 當年的音樂大咖們, 竟然相形見拙, 其中包括周杰倫。

人怕出名豬怕壯, 話語權和商業利益不讓音樂天賦, 也從不理會勤奮耕耘。刀郎的原創音樂雖深受下里巴人喜愛, 陽春白雪們則完全不給刀郎機會。對於潛心創作逐夢的刀郎, 大咖們無疑是他中國樂壇崛起的三座大山。

刀郎沉寂了, 聽眾們紛紛散去。堅持逐夢的刀郎, 變成了愚公, 每天挖山不止, 日復一日, 年復一年, 創作不息。他退出了商演, 從不包裝新創作, 埋頭充實, 獨自耕耘, 單等山崩地裂那一天。

) , 則是另一首不得不唱的神曲。貌似少女, 英俊瀟灑的藍采和, 青春永駐, 八仙過海, 哪裡只可能女人才仙呢。


《顛倒歌》、《路南柯》、《珠兒》、《畫壁》、《鏡聽》、 …… 首首精典, 首首皆有樂評人指點江山。文學評論家, 社會學家, 蹭流量的自媒體, 吃瓜群眾, 紛紛出籠, 逐字解讀歌詞。專家們的解讀, 引導聽眾, 理解原創的力量是巨大的。估計很多對音樂界新曲反應慢半拍的聽眾, 也是先讀到專業解讀而後跟進賞歌的。

聽過這些解讀, 知道自己對於中華文化底蘊的了解是如此的蒼白。通過專家們的細解, 才知道歌詞中的只言片字, 不是隨隨便便辭藻堆砌, 可謂字字珠璣。通過聆聽, 才知道刀郎這些年的文化素養提高有多少。其中有人提到, 留白, 說這才是藝術高造詣之境界所在。

留白, 在藝術作品中, 總是欣賞者們青睞的。因為原創作者的初衷, 就是留下想像和發揮的空間, 所謂藝術為人民大眾服務的說辭。自由之在, 天馬行空, 哪個不期望放蕩不羈。

無論是什麼樣的專家, 無論是什麼領域的大拿, 都不可能真正知道刀郎落筆的歌詞字眼為何。甚至也許作者本人也沒有意識到用詞的真正效果, 有道是, 跟著感覺走就對了。音樂, 是非文字的語言, 音效和感染力卻能超過語言, 勿需翻譯便可直達膚色各異之聽眾心扉。

上品音樂對於人們心扉的撞擊, 會帶來千差萬別的迴響。因人而異, 因時而異, 因境況不同而讓人的感受各異。刀郎歌詞留足了白, 任世人評說, 任世人解讀, 任世人頌唱。

如同攝影作品, 自幼認為好的作品只有兩條重要標準。一是有故事, 二是強烈的代入感, 讓人忍不住要對號入座。兩者都極具自我特徵, 大千世界芸芸眾生, 如果不是人云亦云, 則不可能有完全相同的反饋。

上個世紀八十年代之初, 中國改革開放門戶開啟。西洋交響樂進入神州大地, 眾多音樂界大佬紛紛撰文, 指導青年如何欣賞交響樂。嚮往西式生活, 從物質到精神, 對交響樂的理解, 在年輕人中, 它就是文青的象徵。

記得地處內陸的成都, 來了首個外國交響樂團。這種機會, 對於北京和上海的青年可能司空見慣。成都雖然也算大城市, 文化生活的高質量顯然不如京滬。正在熱戀當中的車城, 當然要文青和前衛一番。絞盡腦汁, 動用關係網, 弄來珍貴的音樂門票, 特意打扮正裝衣著, 攜女友高雅的坐進了音樂殿堂。

外國指揮老頭兒一席開場白, 讓年輕車城徹底醒悟。老頭兒告訴滿場聽眾, 樂隊演奏前, 事前存於頭腦中的先入為主觀念, 需要徹底放空。靜心聆聽音樂家手中樂器發出的聲音, 讓自己的心緒隨著音樂自由遨翔, 才可能談欣賞。根本就不必擔心對於音樂的理解能力, 聽眾內心的跟隨和触碰, 才是作曲家的成功秘訣。

看到近日如此眾多的刀歌解讀, 也許刀郎本人都會奇怪, 怎麼會有這樣的解讀 ?但這恰恰就是作品成功之所在。聽眾能夠根據自己的胃口, 欣賞屬於自己的那一縷情感, 便可以感謝作者為自己而作的歌曲, 因而反過來讓作品更加偉大。

A little hard to break in. After that I was well pleased.
- Guam

I love these shoes. This is my 3rd pair of them. Very comfortable
- Switzerland

Best and most comfortable shoes ever. I did pay $5.00 more than my normal cost.
- Guam

My husband likes these and this is like the 4th pair I have ordered as he wears them out.
- Switzerland

I buy these for my husband. He has two colors. No problems and quality is consistent! Last a long time!
- Guam

My husband is picky when it comes to his shoes. This is his go to athletic shoe. Great quality. Will purchase again.
- Switzerland

I have flat feet so I need a shoe that doesn't have a large arch for me this is why I buy this sneakers, I can tell you good quality.
- Singapore

WOW!!! Love NIKE!!! Just perfect for my feet!! Love this shoes, you can ware them as casual dressing or for cross training!!! It is like walking on AIR!!!!
- Singapore

This is about the 4th time that I have purchased these shoes. The other purchases were done from Penneys. They no longer appear to carry my size (square feet) in stock.
- Singapore

This is my husband's favorite shoe for comfort! He wears them for 'good' and when his older ones wear out, he rotates the newer one for work, and orders a new pair. He says they provide him with the perfect amount of support!
- Singapore

2024-01-12 22:50:52--
Things are particularly good, instantly tall, the original film just changed is useless, and it comes with it in the shell, which is good.

2024-01-12 08:59:06--
Headphones are very textured, of good quality and sound quality. They are really worth recommending! Long battery life, I like it very much.

2024-01-12 08:58:08--
It feels very comfortable and good. The color is as positive as the picture. It is my favorite style, and the size is just right on the earphone shell.

2024-01-12 08:57:46--
Very good! Good sound, and ok ANC. I also now bought the most expensive one instead to See if its better i think. Good for the price and good delivery time

2024-01-12 08:57:05--
10000% worth it. Identical to the AirPod pros. Sound is amazing, connects just as fast, features are identical. I ordered 1 to Try and just bought 6 more. Took 3 weeks to ship to Canada. 10/10 for sure!

2024-01-12 08:54:09--
very good, clear sound quality, small and exquisite, convenient to carry, affordable, very satisfied with a shopping trip. The battery life hasn't been used very much. I'm not sure. The wireless headset with other features is really good and convenient. It's not as troublesome as the wired headset. It's very good.

2024-01-12 08:51:26--
Serious seller Good size for shoes ordered on February 13 received on 21 I recommend the seller perfect shoe nothing to say

2024-01-12 08:48:23--
Good product

2024-01-12 08:48:23--
Look amazing

2024-01-12 08:48:09--

2024-01-12 08:48:01--
very good quality!!

2024-01-12 08:45:47--
love them they look just like real ones the seller shipped fast too

2024-01-04 19:05:07--
Only reason I’m not giving 5 stars because they where badly wrinkled

2024-01-04 19:04:42--
Top tier item, looks just like the real Kobe 6’s 10/10 I will buy this item again. Came in just under a week.

2024-01-04 19:04:38--
The shoes are very comfortable and light, cost-effective, I like very much, next time to buy

2024-01-04 19:03:41--
I have not been able to find them in my size in multiple stores. So I was pleased to find them on . They are just what I expected as far as size, comfort and reasonable cost.

2024-01-04 19:02:13--
over the moon with these, purchased two pairs, very good quality, can not tell the difference honestly would recommend. waited a little while for delivery but worth the wait in the end. is right people.

2024-01-04 19:01:51--
Dommage que je n’est pas reçu la paire que j’ai commander j’ai reçu celle sans les lacets alors que j’avais commander celle avec lacets mais très bon état ressemblassent 100%

2024-01-04 18:59:59--
looks really nice. thanks :)

2024-01-04 18:58:28--
Really nice!

2024-01-04 18:58:02--
Thank you very much, I recommend it's great!

2024-01-04 18:57:01--
Did not receiving the shoes, already two months.

2024-01-04 18:55:44--
The package can in horrible condition which messed up the shoes not happy about this at all

2024-01-04 18:55:35--
Good but I noticed a few things that make it look fake

2024-01-04 18:51:51--
nice product

2024-01-04 18:51:07--
Came super fast

2024-01-04 18:50:06--
Took awhile but worth the wait

2024-01-04 18:46:36--
Fantastic shoe and delivery was quick. Daughter loves them Thank you

2024-01-04 18:45:57--
This price, for this pair of shoes, excellent quality and reasonable price.

2024-01-04 18:45:41--
I was sceptical at first but the item came intact and looks good, will definitely buy again. Cheers

2024-01-04 18:42:59--
Shoes look great, satisfied with them! They arrived in a little over a week to Maryland! Definitely would buy with seller again. Only drawback is the shoes are extremely light, but if they’re your feet , who cares!

2024-01-04 18:42:48--
Top I recommend the delivery man

2024-01-04 18:41:57--
Ordered my size and we’re way to big recommend ordering down a size, but other wise really good 👍

2024-01-04 18:40:51--
Good, fast

2024-01-04 18:38:41--
Thanks, looks like original

2024-01-04 18:38:38--
Very good, very satisfied!

2024-01-04 18:37:27--
good quality like usual! thank you

2024-01-04 18:37:09--
I am very satisfied with this shopping

2024-01-04 18:36:54--
Good product and good service attitude

2024-01-04 18:36:14--
Great product. Fast shipping. Recommend !!

2024-01-04 18:33:04--
these are really good , just order 3 more pairs but it runs big , came in 3 weeks rally nice

2024-01-04 09:23:21--
I like it, it looks good

2024-01-04 09:22:56--
The workmanship quality is very good.

2024-01-04 09:22:47--
This seller is one of the best on DhGate.

2024-01-04 09:21:12--
The workmanship is very solid, the weight is very light, it is also very comfortable to carry, and the shading effect is also good!

2024-01-04 09:20:44--
This glasses was recommended by a friend. He bought several kinds of glasses from this store, and these sunglasses are affordable, good quality, very fashionable style, and very nice! highly recommend it!

2024-01-04 09:19:36--
A little stiff but they’re perfect

2024-01-04 09:16:10--
They are great nothing to say

2024-01-04 09:13:13--
Good quality. Took a little while to get but overall great product. Will shop again

2024-01-04 09:09:32--
Very cute 😊

2024-01-04 09:03:05--
Great quality shoes! I received my order within about two weeks! Definitely did a review on my social media sites! I’ll order again!

2024-01-04 09:02:59--
I went to this seller specifically from someone I know that’s been shopping with them for some time now. I was scared as hell but I finally just said f*ck it!! I am beyond satisfied.

2024-01-04 09:02:29--
Terrible seller. Products work maybe a month and then stop. I didn’t realize I purchased from this seller already and when I tried to cancel order they shipped it instead of doing the right thing. I reported their USA warehouse to US customs and **. Bad business

2024-01-04 09:01:16--
Good sound quality, no lag when playing games.

2024-01-04 09:00:09--
Good sound quality, fast connection speed, compact and convenient.

2024-01-04 08:59:36--
the workmanship is also very good, and the sound quality is also very good.

2024-01-04 08:59:22--
The merchant recommended the best item to me, it was really good and satisfied

2024-01-04 08:58:44--
Headphones are of very good quality, comfortable to wear, clear in sound, and worth buying.

2024-01-04 08:55:33--
Headphones are very good, small and exquisite, and very convenient to carry. The sound is clear, the game sounds and pictures are synchronized, it is very satisfactory, and the battery life is also very good.

2024-01-04 00:05:04--

Displaying 1 to 60 (of 857 reviews)

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